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Vortragsankündigung: Fractional Derivatives and the Laws of Electrical Engineering

Vortragsankündigung: Fractional Derivatives and the Laws of Electrical Engineering

Das Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik und das Institut für Analysis ladengemeinsam zu folgendem Vortrag ein:

Fractional Derivatives and the
Laws of Electrical Engineering
Prof. Dr. hab. inż. Dr. h. c. Ryszard SIKORA
Technical University of Szczecin, Poland

Possibilities of fractional calculus application in electrical circuits and electromagnetic
field theories have been evaluated in this paper. Perhaps fractional derivatives and
integrals represent a mathematical tool, which soon will completely change the way
the equations that describe physical phenomena with mathematical models are
formulated. Perhaps fractional calculus will be used in selected cases only and will
not affect technical sciences or will be applied for virtual problems only. Currently,
fractional calculus is sometimes applied correctly and sometimes erroneously in
electrical engineering.
I would like to ask attendees, representatives of mentioned and favorite for me field of
electrical engineering – do you refer to fractional derivatives in your lectures? For me,
electrical engineering is symbolized by Prof. St. Fryze and for you, dear Prof. Mathis, I
assume, by Prof. W. Cauer or Prof. E. Philippow. They did not use fractional
derivatives. Why?”

Zeit 9. Juli 2018, 14.00 Uhr
Ort: TET-Seminarraum 1611, 16. Etage
Appelstrasse 9A